Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's Crazy....

So I love my work and I'm done with training and as of yesterday I carry the keys to the store... I took the key quiz, passed it and closed the store all by myself yesterday... :)
I'm pretty proud of myself because I was fast, effcient, made plan for the day and stretch plan and all in all had a great day... :)

But what really IS crazy...
So going back a couple of weeks I had a customer that was saying how pretty I was and stuff like that to the cashier and how I'm a breeze of fresh air etc., but then Ramon -- the cashier and Alex -- co manager, told him I was married and have a kid, but the guy didn't care at all...
And so he came back a couple of times after that just to see me, but Ramon -- he's my official bodyguard now, gave me a feedback and so I had time to hide in the backroom -- lately I do it a lot -- but yesterday I was the only manager on duty and couldn't run and hide... And so he came back again -- he's name is Simon -- and was wondering when I was working next and when I take lunch breakes... Pretty interesting... I really hope Ramon or Alex are working when he comes back... :)

But going back to the story... Yesterday Simon wasn't my only problem -- and I truly have NO clue how it all works -- I had like 5 other customers who needed only MY hep desperately... Couldn't take of their jackets off and needed help, needed different sizes or needed somebody to pick ties for them to match their shirts... Pretty funny, because I've NEVER been hit on that often!!!!! I have some weeks that guys notice me, but not in one day....
And the craziest part is coming... This guy comes in with his girlfriend and is looking at 1MX shirts and I talk to his girl about promotions and stuff and then go and help other desperate guys in the store -- by then mens side of the store is packed and we don't have enough coverage of people to help -- I forget about him completely as I was BUSY... And then Brittany call me on the radio to the cashwrap and I think to myself: "Great, touble" and as I'm there the guy asks me to say something... I feel akward... Brittany explains to me that he was asking about me and that she told him that I have the cutest accent ever because I'm Polish and that he wants to hear it... I still feel akward but my speach came back and so I said something and so he goes: "Man, that's sexy... SO sexy..." His girl is standing next to him but she doesn't look upset... I feel even more akward... They leave... Brittany and I are not sure if it was his girlfriend eventhough he was calling her baby...

Last week NO ONE even looked at me...

Two weeks ago I had Simon and three or four other guys...
Three weeks ago... I don't remember.... So probably zero guys...

Do I look one week good and the other not?
Or one week normal and the other like a witch?


  1. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Tez lubie twoja prace coreczko i kocham Cie, buziaczki :)) M&T

  2. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Ty jestes tylko Podarkiem wiec ani normal ani witch :)))
    I jeszcze jedno, Podarki tak maja albo sie podobaja albo nie, albo ludzie je chca albo nie. Taki jest los Podarka:)

  3. Ola your crazy! Sounds like your having fun and nothing's wrong with being hit on as long as they don't cross the line. Congrats on the promotion and keep up the good work. I hope you don't miss Ollie and Bry too much....Oh yeah can you please call me so I can hear that SEXY voice. HAHAHA Have a great day.

  4. These men sound CREEPY! You need to bring Olivier and Bry to the store with you!

    By the way, you're beautiful ALL of the time. Guys are just ... dorks.
