Saturday, January 24, 2009

Grandma's/Grandpa's Day And The Project X...

We celebrated Grandmas and Granpas Day the other day and Olivier got a chance to talk to his Grandparents and send them little card that we made together for them during the Project X... I can tell you that Olivier did great and was actually super excited to make them and then hear their voices on the phone... :)
And here are the cards... :)

So Happy Happy Grandparents' Day... :)

On the other note, Olivier had a small excident and you can read all about it on his blog...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Dzis wreszcie doszly piekne laurki w wykonaniu Oliviera, z pomoca mamusi!!
    Sa rewelacyjne, cudne i wielkie dzieki za pomysl, wykonanie, pamiec i serce :) Kochamy bardzo i jestesmy wdzieczni :) Buziaczki ! M&T
